Off Campus Groups

Welcome to Adult Small Groups

Great connecting points. It's in these small groups that people can build relationships and serve together. We hope you will jump right in with both feet in one or several of these groups. If you have questions, the person to talk to is Greg Kelley, our Discipleship Leader. If you'll leave your number below, he'll give you a call.

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship is important at Parkway Place; it is an important process for every believer that provides friendships, a relational environment of accountability, and most importantly, it cultivates a life rooted deeply in God’s Word.

We encourage our members to participate in a 12–18-month Discipleship Group, or a “D-Group.”

A D-Group is a gender specific, closed group of 3-6 believers who meet together weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation. A person joins the D-Group by invitation, with most D-Groups being formed out of relationships in a class or interest group.

Are you ready to go deeper in your walk with Christ?

  • A D-Group is gender-specific closed group of 3 to 6 believers (including the leader) who meet together weekly for the purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation. A person joins the D-Group by invitation only.
  • While Small Groups exist for the purposes of community, growth, and connection, they have an underlying additional purpose: evangelism. Small Groups are designed to reach people by getting them involved in the group. A D-Group, on the other hand, consists of believers who desire a deeper walk with Christ. It is not evangelistic in its form or function, but in its fruit: it makes disciples who will then go on to make more disciples.
  • The format of a D-Group is not one of a teacher-student, but a roundtable discussion. A teacher shares information, while a discipler shares life; a teacher aims for the head, while a discipler aims for the heart; a teacher measures knowledge, while a discipler measures faith; a teacher is an authority, while a discipler is a servant; and a teacher says, ‘Listen to me,’ while a discipler says, ‘Follow me'”.
  • This blueprint, sketched by Jesus Christ through His personal example, is how discipleship is accomplished in the lives of believers, and ultimately, within the local church. When this plan is followed, those involved will participate in three dynamics that result in growth in their personal lives, as well as in the Kingdom: community, accountability, and multiplication.

D-Groups flow out of a Small Group. Small Groups, which form out of bigger group such as a Sunday Worship Gathering, are the “fishing ponds” for D-Groups. As people form friendships and bonds in Small Groups, handfuls of them will decide to take the next step and begin a discipleship journey together in a D-Group.


The only absolute requirement for leading a D-Group is that you be intentionally pursuing Christ. You do not need to be a master teacher or have all of the answers. If you can say, “Follow me; I’m pursuing Christ,” you have the tools you need to lead a D-Group. As a D-Group leader, you set the tone for the group’s atmosphere. You are not lecturing students; you are cultivating an intimate, accountable relationship with a few friends.

Interest Groups

Interest Groups simply meet around a common shared interest such as a sport, hobby, cause, or study for the purposes of outreach, fellowship, and service together. These groups meet seasonally, monthly, or for a specified period of time.

Experienced Adults

These are the faithful and strong shoulders on which we stand. They’re our Christian examples, our steady workers, prayer warriors and best huggers. They enjoy luncheons and day trips.


This group describes themselves this way: “We are a group of people coming together for encouragement, fun, friendships, and the pursuit of God during this journey.

Moms of VIPs (Special Needs)

These ladies have a lot of first hand experience to share and find encouragement and fellowship with each other.


Fellowship over breakfast once a month is great, and they have a big heart for helping teachers and at-risk school children.

Prayer Team

God gave some people the gift of intercession. That’s this group. They enter the Throne Room together each Wednesday night, praying for revival and other needs of the church and nations.

Team Sports (Seasonal), Softball, Basketball, Golf

Our sports teams are a great way to show Christian character and build relationships.

Community Groups

Community Groups are groups who gather together away from the church campus, usually in homes, with an emphasis on doing life together through prayer, bible-based discussion, and fellowship. These groups may be singular in their make up or made up of any combination of unmarried, married, and/or entire families. Community Groups meet together in 3-month quarters throughout the fall, winter, and spring quarters with most taking the summer months off. These groups span across Little Rock and the surrounding areas. They set their own schedule in meeting weekly or bi-weekly.

Contact Us

If you'd like to learn more about any of these groups, we'd love to hear from you! Contact us below and our team will be in touch with you!

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