Our Mission
The Great Commission: go, make disciples, baptize them, and teach them. (Matt 28:18-20)
The Great Commandment: love God and love others (Matt 22:36-39)
Our Mission: To Make Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Christ.
About Parkway Place
At Parkway Place Church, we understand that we are all imperfect people, on our own journey to experience, love, and worship a perfect God. We gather together to learn and apply God’s Word, to worship, to encourage each other, and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to tell the world about who Jesus is, to love God above all things, and love others as we journey this life together. We want to share the hope of salvation that comes only through Jesus Christ with everyone we can! We do that through our Worship Services and Small Group experiences, through community involvement and national and global mission partnerships, as well as through equipping families to intentionally share the gospel in their homes, work spaces, and social relationships.
We are real people, with real struggles, serving a real God that comforts the struggling and gives hope to the hurting. We celebrate God’s presence in every aspect of our lives, and we continually strive to grow deeper and deeper in love and obedience as fully devoted followers of Christ.
Our History
Our church was born in May 1903 in 8th Street home of Rev. and Mrs. Fleming under the sponsorship of Immanuel Baptist Church in Little Rock. A sanctuary was completed, and the first service held on December 27, 1907.

In the beginning.
In 1908, the church organized with 18 charter members and was called the Cedar Street Baptist Church. By 1919, the church had re-settled at 10th and Pine Streets under the name of Baptist Tabernacle.

Relocating to Parkway Place
The city’s population began moving to the west in the 1950s which led to the Wilbur Mills freeway being built in the 1960s, right down Baptist Tabernacle’s community. Houses were being removed and the community was being torn apart. In response,the church also relocated to a new facility in the Parkway Place subdivision. The new building was dedicated on December 23, 1979 and the church’s name was changed to Parkway Place Baptist Church.

After a few years, God continued to bless our church, and a new Worship Center was built in 1987.

And in 2006 we completed our final addition of the Children’s Building,